
Quicky: if you think that we in Europe have a problem with over packaging everything in plastic? Think again… In Japan, even if you buy one pre-packaged sandwich, in plastic, you get a small plastic bag to take it in with you.

For the birds

Quicky: there be pigeons over here (still in Hiroshima). While that is not a surprise to me, it did surprise me that they are way, way less forward than I’m used to.

Ha! Wakatta

Quicky: I’ve been wondering what those things are that I see attached to the steers of many bicycles.
Turns out that it’s a holder type thing for umbrellas. Clever.



Quicky: even at the ginkō (bank) they couldn’t help me get more o-kane (money). But they did have friendly employees, of which one spoke enough English to point me to the nearest yūbinkyoku (post office), where I got to make a cash withdrawal.


Quicky: there’s little trash to be seen (as far as I can tell), even though trash bins are terribly scarce.

Well that is, if you discount those next to the numerous vending machines that sell you all kinds of drinks. But I suspect you are only allowed to put empty drinking bottles and cans into those… So, for now I’ll just hang on to my precious trash, which I cannot seem to get rid of.

At least they were containers of delicious sushi. *nom

Eigo ga wakarimasu ka?

Quicky: it’s true. Relatively few Japanese are able to speak English. Demo watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi wakarimasu! (but I speak a little Japanese – for which I am very glad)

Next stop: Hiroshima

Monday 27th October

This morning I had some time to spare, so I went for a walk through Kōbe. I walked to the part of the city that is on the side of the hill and thus I got a nice exercise. 🙂

It has gotten very windy all of a sudden but at least it wasn’t raining and storming like the night before. Although being in a lightning storm at the 46th floor of a building is quite awesome (at least, to me, not to Midori).
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