Next stop: Hiroshima
Monday 27th October
This morning I had some time to spare, so I went for a walk through Kōbe. I walked to the part of the city that is on the side of the hill and thus I got a nice exercise. 🙂
It has gotten very windy all of a sudden but at least it wasn’t raining and storming like the night before. Although being in a lightning storm at the 46th floor of a building is quite awesome (at least, to me, not to Midori).
Anyways, while heading back to he apartment, I came by a strange kind of shop where they sold just about anything. Comics, music, toys, camping stuff, clothes, all in one small shop with two floors. Of course I couldn’t help but indulge myself. *ahem
Edit: Mental Note — this is where I got my blue spork.
After resuming my way back, I got lunch to go. Back at the apartment Midori had already left (Bryan left early in the morning). So, after helping myself to some lunch and packing all of my stuff, I concluded my stay by writing a little story in the guest book.
I went out, deposited the key I had gotten in the mailbox and went out to the train station, Sannomiya. With some help of the railway staff, I got to the proper subway station and took off for Shinkōbe station. Once there, there were many signs pointing me to the Shinkansen. 🙂 I got on board after figuring out both the correct direction and coach and I was off.
Fun fact: the Shinkansen only stops VERY briefly at the station. Stand ready or miss out! The same goes for getting off the train.
And I was off! The ride was quite uneventful (lots and lots of tunnels with a whole lot of nothing to see), but nice. After the woman who was sitting next to me got out, I had the chance to snap some pictures. Ooh yeah. Shashin o torimasu (taking pictures) at 260km/h.
Little over an hour later I got off the train at Hiroshima station. With great difficulty I finally found the correct bus to take me to Hirose-kitamachi. The bus driver seemed thrilled that I was able to ask him if I was on the right bus and how, how much and when to pay for the ride. Yay! 🙂
After exiting the bus at the correct stop, it was a very short walk to the apartment I will be staying at for the next couple of days
I will be alone in this apartment, I got the key from the mailbox. And truth be told, that’s quite less enjoyable, I can tell you. But hey, all I really need is a bed and a shower and a place where to keep my stuff. So this place suffices. Still, I’m already thinking of the fond memories I have of Bryan and Midori, my wonderful hosts in Kōbe.
So, it’s almost bedtime. I will be up early to try and get some more money at the bank. After that, I might go the Peace Park or other World War 2 memorials. Or, as suggested by Midori, go to the island Itsukushima. I hear there are interesting things to see over there. We’ll see. 🙂